How To Prepare For Recital – For Students And Parents

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We can all agree that there isn’t a better feeling than picking the fruits of your effort! In the music world, the best example of that are the smiles after playing at a recital! Many hours of practice, lots of dedication, and effort have finally paid off, and now we can share our love and passion for music in front of everybody! 

But we also know what kind of feelings can run through us during the day of the recital or even seconds before we come on the stage – what if I make a mistake, what if I forget how to play, will I perform nicely, and so on! First of all, you don’t need to worry because you did your best! The second thing will be a long list, so buckle up; in this month’s blog post, we will share with you some advice on how to prepare just like professional musicians!

1.  Warm up before the recital starts!

We know it isn’t easy to perform in front of a big audience! All eyes are on you, the room becomes enormous, and stagefright can come right to your side. We know, we know! We have been there also! 

Because of that, many teachers recommend that their students arrive a few minutes before the recital. They will have time to cope with the new environment, get used to the atmosphere, and, most important thing, warm up their fingers for their big moment! Playing the song one more time before the recital will remove their stage fright and give a clear insight into the efforts they have put in after so many months of practice! As we like to joke around, the first pancake is out!

2. Don’t skip practicing before the recital!

Even though you are sure you have mastered your song, it isn’t recommended to skip practicing during the recital week! The pressure of public performance will be silently present, and we all know that even one day without practice can bring you one step back. That may awake unnecessary insecurity, anxiety, or frustration, which can reflect on your recital performance! So, make sure you grab your instrument each day that week and go through your song! Remember that this is the final countdown and will bring you nothing more than confidence! 

3. Choose your outfit a day before the recital!

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve got was to put yourself in the clothes and shoes for your performance and to imagine that you are at the recital! Even though it sounds silly at first sight, it has some incredible effects! Firstly, we rarely wear classy outfits, and when we do, our behavior and thinking change! Some of us may feel more confident, and for others, it can bring up some unnecessary pressure! So, go in your closet, have fun choosing the right outfit and try it out! Be sure to double-check how you feel in your fancy clothes! Maybe that outfit you want to wear at the recital will itch you or be too tight, and you wouldn’t know that if you didn’t try that!

4. Organize a ‘home recital’ as your rehearsal!

When the song and the outfit are ready, you can have a rehearsal for the recital in front of a small audience – your family and friends! To break the ice in front of your loved ones can be such a great practice for public performance, and it can give you such confidence to play your song in front of anyone! So, gather your parents, grandparents, wider family, and friends to enjoy your beautiful playing! 

5. For parents: Be a supportive friend before the recital!

Performing in front of many strangers can be a stressful thing for children of all ages! The worst mistake you can make when preparing your child for their first performance is adding undue pressure to the situation. For instance, try to remind them how hard they have been working on that, to have fun, explain that everybody came to enjoy nice music and support every participant, or even pop out some jokes to cheer them up! Some of those options will shake off their stress and boost their confidence! 


As soon as you finish your song, you will be filled out with so much joy that you will forget about your previous worries! So, hopefully, we have given you some good advice on how you can avoid any unnecessary moments and how you can prepare in the best way for your big stage performance! Remember, recitals are meant for students to enjoy music, their progress, and music, after all! 

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